Tasmanian Primary Wood Processors Directory 2016
Having just come back from this field day up in the North West of Tasmania
my one overriding take home message was just how important sawmillers and wood processors are to the future of the forest industry.They are the front line troops.
If they are struggling to survive then the forest industry doesn’t stand a chance. If they aren’t sending out constant positive supporting messages to tree growers then the forest industry is dead!!!!!
The sawmill we visited yesterday was trying hard to stay afloat, to remain viable, but they had no energy or resources to send positive messages or support to tree growers.
The forest industry in Tasmania is in crisis.
And our politicians play politics.
The field day was great, but the over riding message was one of despair and chaos.
And we are facing a 12 month bitter, divisive State election campaign where the forest industry will be used for political gain.
Oh Tasmania!!!
Tasmanian Blackwood Growers Cooperative
The 2016 Wood Processor Directory is now available from the Private Forests Tasmania website.
I’ve reviewed these Directories in previous years:
This Directory is the sum total of “market information” that the forest industry in Tasmania wants the general public to see. Apparently the expectation is that farmers will rush out and invest in growing trees because of this directory. Or is it simply there to assist in the salvage of what remains of the private forest estate?
The Directory is a listing of 42 of the estimated 51 primary wood processors believed to be operating in the State of Tasmania. It has been primarily developed to help private forest owners with logs for sale to identify potential buyers as well as enabling the forest owner to more easily locate and contact primary wood processors. The Directory also helps the listed primary wood processors to source logs from…
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