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Tasmanian Blackwood Growers

Tasmanian Primary Wood Processors Directory 2016


The 2016 Wood Processor Directory is now available from the Private Forests Tasmania website.

I’ve reviewed these Directories in previous years:

This Directory is the sum total of “market information” that the forest industry in Tasmania wants the general public to see. Apparently the expectation is that farmers will rush out and invest in growing trees because of this directory. Or is it simply there to assist in the salvage of what remains of the private forest estate?

The Directory is a listing of 42 of the estimated 51 primary wood processors believed to be operating in the State of Tasmania. It has been primarily developed to help private forest owners with logs for sale to identify potential buyers as well as enabling the forest owner to more easily locate and contact primary wood processors.  The Directory also helps the listed primary wood processors to source logs from the Tasmanian private forest estate.

There’s nothing in that statement about becoming more efficient, profitable and building the industry.

Of the 42 businesses listed in the directory 16 indicate they are looking to buy blackwood logs from private growers, whilst 2 businesses list special species sawlogs without specifically mentioning blackwood. I assume these 2 businesses include blackwood in their requirements.

As in previous years Britton Brothers PL of Smithton, Australia’s largest blackwood sawmiller, apparently does not buy blackwood sawlogs from private growers.

That makes 18 out of 42 businesses (43%) listed as buying blackwood sawlogs from private growers.

To find these businesses:

  1. download the directory from the PFT website
  2. open the directory in Acrobat Reader
  3. Press CTRL+Shift+F to open the Search box
  4. Type “blackwood” in the search box and press Search.

As I said last year, there are far too many players in the blackwood market for the tiny volumes coming off private property.

Yes we need competition.

We also need much greater price and market transparency.

Simply having a Directory of Processors is a long way from building a profitable sustainable future.

The Tasmanian blackwood industry needs to be more commercial, efficient and profitable. This means fewer processors who are processing larger volumes more efficiently, accessing more valuable markets and offering growers better money to encourage more blackwood growing.

Clearly this is not happening in Tasmania!

Which of these 18 businesses are offering the best prices for blackwood logs?

Which of these 18 businesses have access to a variety of high-value domestic and export markets?

Which of these 18 businesses provide price and market transparency to stimulate interest and encourage investment?

Which of these 18 businesses are actively encouraging Tasmanian farmers to grow/regrow commercial blackwood for the future?

Which of these 18 businesses are actually looking to build the future of the blackwood industry?

Do these businesses understand the critical part they play in ensuring the future of the industry?

Or are we still in salvage mode?

When will Tasmania get a fully commercial profitable forest industry?



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