Bryan Hayes, Forico CEO
The forest industry remains quite for months and then BANG! News stories everywhere!!
This article appeared in the media the other day:
The article formally announced the death of the Forest Industries Association of Tasmanian (FIAT) and the formation of yet another forest industry representative body, the Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA). Tasmania is now back to having two forest industry representative bodies, the other being the taxpayer-funded Tasmanian Forest and Forest Products Network (TFFPN).
The TFPA as yet has no website. Hopefully soon!
I’m not sure where the TFGA sits in all this confusion:
Do they represent forest growers? Its hard to understand!
If Tasmanians are confused this is perfectly understandable. The forest industry in Tasmania remains deeply conflicted and divided.
The main theme of the article is to give Tasmanians very rare insight into the history of the forest industry; the truth being that for the past 20-30 years the forest industry has been very deeply divided!!
Driven by ego, power and greed; and as the article says “doing things the same way over and over is not a good strategy”. Who would guess?
Tasmanians have never had this insight into the inner workings and conflict within the forest industry. This is indeed a rare moment in Tasmanian history.
Few people in Tasmania were aware of this. Most Tasmanians thought the issue was “The Greenies”, when in fact the story was more complex.
“We want to depoliticise the conversation, we want to speak with an apolitical voice … take in the balance of social, economic and environmental concerns.”
Mr Hayes said the task ahead was enormous, particularly taking into account years of highly political activity within the industry and with professional protesters.
“There’s that old saying, herding cats …” he joked.
“But I hope it is able to act like a glue to bind the industry together.
“It’s going to be a long road.”
A long HARD road ahead!! Has anyone in the Tasmanian forest industry spoken with such candour before?
Not in my 40 year career as a forester!
Never mind!
The Tasmanian forest industry remains deeply conflicted and divided – between the taxpayer-sucking forest-destroying welfare forestry people, and those who believe that growing wood is a commercial activity.
My limited dealings with Mr Hayes have been very positive. Can he bring the peace and resolve to this long bitter divisive destructive period in Tasmanias history?
Time will tell.
Good luck Bryan herding those Feral Welfare Cats !!!
PS. Note to Bryan: You know I’m going to give you guys a hard time but you wouldn’t expect otherwise would you??
Tasmanian Forest Products Association
Bryan Hayes, Forico CEO
The forest industry remains quite for months and then BANG! News stories everywhere!!
This article appeared in the media the other day:
The article formally announced the death of the Forest Industries Association of Tasmanian (FIAT) and the formation of yet another forest industry representative body, the Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA). Tasmania is now back to having two forest industry representative bodies, the other being the taxpayer-funded Tasmanian Forest and Forest Products Network (TFFPN).
The TFPA as yet has no website. Hopefully soon!
I’m not sure where the TFGA sits in all this confusion:
Do they represent forest growers? Its hard to understand!
If Tasmanians are confused this is perfectly understandable. The forest industry in Tasmania remains deeply conflicted and divided.
The main theme of the article is to give Tasmanians very rare insight into the history of the forest industry; the truth being that for the past 20-30 years the forest industry has been very deeply divided!!
Driven by ego, power and greed; and as the article says “doing things the same way over and over is not a good strategy”. Who would guess?
Tasmanians have never had this insight into the inner workings and conflict within the forest industry. This is indeed a rare moment in Tasmanian history.
Few people in Tasmania were aware of this. Most Tasmanians thought the issue was “The Greenies”, when in fact the story was more complex.
“We want to depoliticise the conversation, we want to speak with an apolitical voice … take in the balance of social, economic and environmental concerns.”
Mr Hayes said the task ahead was enormous, particularly taking into account years of highly political activity within the industry and with professional protesters.
“There’s that old saying, herding cats …” he joked.
“But I hope it is able to act like a glue to bind the industry together.
“It’s going to be a long road.”
A long HARD road ahead!! Has anyone in the Tasmanian forest industry spoken with such candour before?
Not in my 40 year career as a forester!
Never mind!
The Tasmanian forest industry remains deeply conflicted and divided – between the taxpayer-sucking forest-destroying welfare forestry people, and those who believe that growing wood is a commercial activity.
My limited dealings with Mr Hayes have been very positive. Can he bring the peace and resolve to this long bitter divisive destructive period in Tasmanias history?
Time will tell.
Good luck Bryan herding those Feral Welfare Cats !!!
PS. Note to Bryan: You know I’m going to give you guys a hard time but you wouldn’t expect otherwise would you??
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