Bold plan to breathe new life into SW timber industry
SW? As in south west Western Australia!
Just like the rest of Australia the logging of public native forests in south west Western Australia has been a battle ground for decades, with the forest industry now on its last legs needing continuous Government support.
The local forest conservation group the Western Australian Forest Alliance has come up with a plan to rebuild the forest industry and create jobs. The Plan is called Forests for Life.
Normally I would be a bit sceptical of any industry plan developed by environmentalists, and from my reading the FFL plan certainly has some weaknesses.
What I do like though is that the broader community are getting behind the Plan, including the local Augusta/Margaret River Council.
Here at last is the community taking the lead, showing initiative, adopting a positive attitude and working together.
This I like!!
The question now is will the forest industry and the WA State government get behind and support the Plan. The Western Australian Farmers Federation also needs to be brought on board to help give the Plan some economic credibility and community support.
I’ve already seen the potential for growing Tasmanian blackwood in SW Western Australia:
Imagine this happening here in Tasmania?