Here’s a great Ted Talk about going beyond Forest Certification with the focus on small scale forest growers like existing and potential Tasmanian blackwood growers.
And when I think about the synergies between their connect-with-the grower model and a Tasmanian Blackwood Growers Cooperative I get excited.
This is just what Tasmanian blackwood growers need to get the support and recognition.
It’s about connecting consumers and manufacturers with forest growers.
What a great idea!
The Ted Talk is by Constance McDermott who is a James Martin Senior Fellow and Chair of the Forest Governance Group at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
The forests behind the label – Why standards are not enough
Here’s a great Ted Talk about going beyond Forest Certification with the focus on small scale forest growers like existing and potential Tasmanian blackwood growers.
And when I think about the synergies between their connect-with-the grower model and a Tasmanian Blackwood Growers Cooperative I get excited.
This is just what Tasmanian blackwood growers need to get the support and recognition.
It’s about connecting consumers and manufacturers with forest growers.
What a great idea!
The Ted Talk is by Constance McDermott who is a James Martin Senior Fellow and Chair of the Forest Governance Group at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
This is a 12 minute talk well worth watching.
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