State opposition leader Bryan Green today announced a policy for Tasmania’s special timber industry, supporting logging within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA).
After a brief hiatus the Labor and Liberal parties are once again in lock-step on forest industry policy in Tasmania.
Once again forest industry policy in Tasmania is driven by politics, waste and community conflict.
“tread widely, tread lightly”
The politicians want us to believe that special timbers is only about fairy land, a magic wand and elvish forest management.
There is no mention of UNESCO, the World Heritage Committee, Forest Stewardship Council, taxpayer subsidies, sacking teachers and nurses, or the last 30 years of politics, waste and community conflict.
Nor is there mention of private blackwood growers.
Instead our politicians will wave the elvish wand and middle earth will magically appear.
It’s just rubbish and deception.
Forestry is not a taxpayer-funded community service!
Nor is this middle earth!
Last month, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee urged the Australian and Tasmanian governments to ban commercial logging within the TWWHA.
So in good old fashion style our State politicians are once again joining forces to wage war over our forests.
The Tasmanian community will once again be the losers.
With classic political vote winners like “long-term security”, “consultation” and “striking an appropriate balance” we have heard it all dozens of times before.
Absolutely nothing has changed for our pollies.
Except now a lot more Tasmanians are sick and tired of the conflict and nonsense around the forest industry. Not to mention squandering $millions of taxpayer dollars and sacking teachers and nurses, and charging electricity users to help subsidise the forest industry. A lot more Tasmanians will express extreme displeasure if this nonsense continues.
Specialty timber groups believe they were left with an extremely restricted resource after the Tasmanian Forest Agreement was finalised in 2013 and new tracts of forests were declared off-limits. The agreement was repealed by the current Tasmanian Government in 2014.
What absolute rubbish! So called specialty timber groups were left without a (public native forest) resource because of 30+ years of failed forest industry policy; a policy that tied the industry to the election cycle and gave everything to industrial woodchipping leaving nothing but platitudes and tears for the specialty timber groups.
I must say after listening to this sort of rubbish for 30+ years I’m getting pretty sick of it. The culture of entitlement within the forest industry that former Gunns CEO Greg L’Estrange mentioned recently is certainly prevalent within sections of the special timbers industry.
The forestry wars are well and truly heating up once again.
Stand by for the media/community backlash.
The special timbers industry is on a hiding to nothing.
When will Tasmanian get a fully commercial and profitable forest industry?
Labor backs special timbers logging in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
State opposition leader Bryan Green today announced a policy for Tasmania’s special timber industry, supporting logging within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA).
After a brief hiatus the Labor and Liberal parties are once again in lock-step on forest industry policy in Tasmania.
Once again forest industry policy in Tasmania is driven by politics, waste and community conflict.
“tread widely, tread lightly”
The politicians want us to believe that special timbers is only about fairy land, a magic wand and elvish forest management.
There is no mention of UNESCO, the World Heritage Committee, Forest Stewardship Council, taxpayer subsidies, sacking teachers and nurses, or the last 30 years of politics, waste and community conflict.
Nor is there mention of private blackwood growers.
Instead our politicians will wave the elvish wand and middle earth will magically appear.
It’s just rubbish and deception.
Forestry is not a taxpayer-funded community service!
Nor is this middle earth!
Last month, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee urged the Australian and Tasmanian governments to ban commercial logging within the TWWHA.
So in good old fashion style our State politicians are once again joining forces to wage war over our forests.
The Tasmanian community will once again be the losers.
With classic political vote winners like “long-term security”, “consultation” and “striking an appropriate balance” we have heard it all dozens of times before.
Absolutely nothing has changed for our pollies.
Except now a lot more Tasmanians are sick and tired of the conflict and nonsense around the forest industry. Not to mention squandering $millions of taxpayer dollars and sacking teachers and nurses, and charging electricity users to help subsidise the forest industry. A lot more Tasmanians will express extreme displeasure if this nonsense continues.
Specialty timber groups believe they were left with an extremely restricted resource after the Tasmanian Forest Agreement was finalised in 2013 and new tracts of forests were declared off-limits. The agreement was repealed by the current Tasmanian Government in 2014.
What absolute rubbish! So called specialty timber groups were left without a (public native forest) resource because of 30+ years of failed forest industry policy; a policy that tied the industry to the election cycle and gave everything to industrial woodchipping leaving nothing but platitudes and tears for the specialty timber groups.
I must say after listening to this sort of rubbish for 30+ years I’m getting pretty sick of it. The culture of entitlement within the forest industry that former Gunns CEO Greg L’Estrange mentioned recently is certainly prevalent within sections of the special timbers industry.
The forestry wars are well and truly heating up once again.
Stand by for the media/community backlash.
The special timbers industry is on a hiding to nothing.
When will Tasmanian get a fully commercial and profitable forest industry?
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