Since it was first posted this blog has consistently been one of the most frequently visited by readers of this website.
Clearly it says something that readers find compelling.
In terms of its message and impact on the forest industry, State forest policy, the farming community or the media however there has been little response.
Profitable tree growing and transparent, competitive market processes remain completely irrelevant to State forest policy and the forest industry.
If we treated our dairy, beef and vegetable industries in such a manner Tasmania would be in serious trouble. But the forest industry remains a victim of its heritage dominated by politics, a public resource and a community service ethos.
Does Tasmania want a forest industry? If so then the price of logs and profitable tree-growing must be at the centre of policy and management.
So how can Tasmania move towards a fully commercial and profitable forest industry?
The industry does not need more behind-closed-door deals, nor more reports and strategies. The industry needs to demonstrate serious commercial muscle, and a burning desire to leave the politics and conflict behind.
So tell me readers, why is this blog of such interest to you?
PS. Here’s a thought bubble!
Imagine what the forest industry would look like today if 100 years ago we had included prizes (trophy or ribbon) in our regional agricultural shows for the best sawlogs, in the same way we have prizes for livestock, wool fleeces, fruit, veges, etc. Farmers who managed their forest or plantations would bring in their very best dressed sawlogs to get judged. All of the entries could then be auctioned off.
Imagine a rural community that took as much pride in forest/plantation management is it does in beef, sheep, wool, vegetables, etc. That of course would depend on the marketplace supporting and rewarding such a community attitude, as the marketplace does for most other primary industries.
What do you think? Comments?
Blackwood sawlogs achieve record price at auction REVISITED
Since it was first posted this blog has consistently been one of the most frequently visited by readers of this website.
Clearly it says something that readers find compelling.
In terms of its message and impact on the forest industry, State forest policy, the farming community or the media however there has been little response.
Profitable tree growing and transparent, competitive market processes remain completely irrelevant to State forest policy and the forest industry.
If we treated our dairy, beef and vegetable industries in such a manner Tasmania would be in serious trouble. But the forest industry remains a victim of its heritage dominated by politics, a public resource and a community service ethos.
Does Tasmania want a forest industry? If so then the price of logs and profitable tree-growing must be at the centre of policy and management.
So how can Tasmania move towards a fully commercial and profitable forest industry?
The industry does not need more behind-closed-door deals, nor more reports and strategies. The industry needs to demonstrate serious commercial muscle, and a burning desire to leave the politics and conflict behind.
So tell me readers, why is this blog of such interest to you?
PS. Here’s a thought bubble!
Imagine what the forest industry would look like today if 100 years ago we had included prizes (trophy or ribbon) in our regional agricultural shows for the best sawlogs, in the same way we have prizes for livestock, wool fleeces, fruit, veges, etc. Farmers who managed their forest or plantations would bring in their very best dressed sawlogs to get judged. All of the entries could then be auctioned off.
Imagine a rural community that took as much pride in forest/plantation management is it does in beef, sheep, wool, vegetables, etc. That of course would depend on the marketplace supporting and rewarding such a community attitude, as the marketplace does for most other primary industries.
What do you think? Comments?
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