Latest IST blackwood tender results
The latest tender results have been posted by Island Specialty Timbers. These tender results provide the only publically available open, competitive prices for blackwood logs.
The September tender had 26 parcels.
24 of the 26 logs and timber lots sold at fair to very strong prices, including a record price for one black-heart sassafras log, $3800 / m3.
Great news!
The one blackwood log in the tender was a mixed blessing. The log contained both fiddle-back and tear drop figure. But these attributes came with issues: fluting, spiral grain, severe log taper, with holes and limbs. Generally a difficult log, but [as IST described] contains excellent material for turning blanks or a low recovery of figured timber.
It looks a monster!
Length 3.6 metres, butt diameter 95 cm, head diameter 73 cm, volume 1.99 cubic metres.
And this mixed blessing sold for $1,000 per cubic metre or just under $2,000 for the log.
A great price!
Remember this is a mill door equivalent price, not a stumpage price.
The one blackwood log tendered at the previous IST tender in August failed to sell. It too was a difficult log but with plain rather than figured grain. Clearly the market for figured blackwood timber will pay any money for any quality log whatsoever.
The last IST Geeveston tender for 2014 will open on Monday 27 October and close at 4.00 pn on Monday 10 November 2014. A range of logs, slabs and sawn timber will be offered.